Monday 19 September 2016

                                                            SUICIDE SQUAD (2016)

Language:  The title is very obvious, standing out more than the actual characters in the movie, showing that this is the movies name.The tag line under the title"The worst. Heroes. Ever". The credits are also listed at the top of the poster with the cast and everyone who participated in the production of the movie. The different screen modes of the movie is shown too. These are all the main features of a film poster.

Institution:  It was filmed by the company Warner Bros Studios. The company is known for its fictional movies such as Harry Potter. The directer David Ayer has mostly produced harsh topics, slightly violent and mature films such as Sabotage(2014) and Fury(2014) his most recent being suicide squad. Suicide Squad has had two wins and 3 nominations. The two being for Choice AnTEENcipated movie and Choice Movie actress: Cara Delevingne.

Audience:  The movie looks as if it would be suitable for ages 15+. This is visible in its vivid colours which may attract that specific age group. The use of an oxymoron as the tagline may intrigue the audience as to why that may be. The fact that it maybe 15+ not 13+ maybe shown in the way there are numerous amounts of eyeballs around the poster, weaponry armed on the characters and their self aware expressions.

Representation: The poster is in comic style because the story line is taken  is based from a DC comic. Also , the characters, the titles and the other objects are arranged into looking like an atomic explosion hinting there is violence in the movie. Violence is also prominent in the way the characters are posed as if they are ready to fight.

Monday 12 September 2016

1. The course i'm really looking forward to in media is creating the music video. I like to get REALLY creative.

2.I would like to take perfect shots on camera in the future and edit them really well.

3. I would like to achieve at least an A. Maybe an A* if i'm lucky enough..

4.The last TV show I watched was an anime series called Tokyo Ghoul.

5.Despite the anime being slightly gruesome, it shows how two different species oppose and hate each other so much even though they live somewhat a similar lifestyle to each other. The anime also has a lot of deeply-meaning quotes and horrific action making it appealing to audiences that are into violence and a bit of mystery .

6.I  have used a computer, TV , tablet and phone in the past 24 hours.

7.I use the computer more than anything else

8.* watched video*

9. Sherlock Holmes is a very serious man and is very aware of his surroundings that he even noticed       a slight change in the women.

    Molly may have a crush on the Sherlock judging by her facial expressions and her body language       when speaking to him.

   The other two men seem to know when to be joking and when to be serious.

*    Sherlock has a peculiar personality and the fact that he notices slight changes show how he could       notice literally anything. He even knows things about a person that weren't even mentioned by             them( the army doctor).

*    Molly(maybe the coroner) acts very differently towards Sherlock compared to the other two men         maybe highlighting that she has a crush. Even though it is blatantly shown that she has something       on with him, Sherlock doesn't seem to notice it. But due to his ability of catching things that are           so small, he may notice her in the future.

*    Since all the characters have something mysterious( for example the army doctor), the story of             each character may be quite interesting to the audience therefore making them intrigued to keep         watching.